Self-Care: Thrive List
Your "Thrive List": The Secret Weapon of Successful Woman Leaders
I recently spoke at a Women in Leadership event, and a familiar concern arose: How do we prioritize self-care amidst our overflowing plates? It's a common struggle for women leaders, where self-care often becomes the first casualty of a busy schedule.
Let's ditch the tired "oxygen mask on the plane" analogy. While we intellectually understand its importance, in the chaos of daily life, it's easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees. But I have a simple, effective strategy that keeps me resilient, even when things get crazy. I call it the "Thrive List."
Inspiration from a Baby's Needs
Years ago when I was a new mum, I visited a friend with a newborn. On her fridge, a large sign read: "Feed the baby, burp the baby, change the baby." When I asked her about it, she mentioned how easy it was to forget the basics when the baby was crying! It was a practical and super visible reminder of the essentials. What a brilliant idea!
This simple idea resonated with me, especially after a particularly hectic period where I'd neglected my own well-being. It sparked the creation of my Thrive List.
What is a Thrive List?
A Thrive List is a concise list of 3-7 activities that combat stress, nourish your soul, and help you function at your best. It's personalised and easily accessible.
My Thrive List (and Why It Works)
Weekly bath with candles and a bath bomb (alone time is key for me!)
Fortnightly ocean swims
Sex a minimum of 3 times a week with my boyfriend
Daily meditation (with some flexibility)
Weekly evening walks with family
Weekly solo walks for introspection
These activities keep me grounded and connected to myself and my loved ones, ultimately helping me thrive as a leader. They provide a much-needed pause amidst the busyness, allowing me to gain perspective and regain balance.
Make Your Thrive List Work for You
It's Not About Perfection
The goal isn't to rigidly adhere to the list. Life happens. But by seeing it regularly, you're prompted to check in with yourself and adjust as needed. If you fall off track, simply acknowledge it with kindness and gently guide yourself back.
Three Empowering Questions
What are the 3-7 activities that truly nourish and rejuvenate you?
How can you make these activities a consistent part of your routine while still being gentle and flexible with yourself?
What small, enjoyable steps can you take today to prioritise your well-being?
Three Empowering Questions
Create your personalised Thrive List.
Place reminders in visible locations.
Commit to checking in with yourself regularly and adjusting your list as needed.
A final note: Be kind to yourself. This isn't another task to add to your plate. It's a loving act of self-care. When you prioritise your well-being, you become a more resilient and effective leader.
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Master Certified Coach with the ICF who is dedicated to elevating female leaders to new heights. A woman who lives life boldly, loves adventure, and finds joy in the simple things. She's a surfer, gardener, hiker, partner, and proud mum of one teen and 3 chickens.
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