Fearless & Focused Female Leader:
Own Your Power, Build a Brand that Drives Impact
The "TJ" Phenomenon
Have you ever worked with someone whose external reputation didn't match the day-to-day reality? I did. For a while, I worked for a leader (let's call him "TJ") who carefully crafted his image. He talked a big game about teamwork, empowerment, and being a supportive leader. Everywhere I went, people would echo these exact sentiments about him. It was like his polished persona had rubbed off on them! I came to call this the "TJ" Phenomenon.
The problem? Behind the scenes, TJ's actions contradicted this inclusive image. The culture was stifled, with micromanagement taking the place of promised empowerment. This type of dissonance between a projected brand and the actual experience eventually erodes trust and respect. Have you ever had an experience like that?
What is a Personal Brand, Anyway?
A personal brand is how you strategically represent yourself as a leader. It's about showcasing your unique values, strengths, and what you stand for. Think of your brand as your professional reputation, a distilled essence of who you are and how you lead.
But do you ever feel like self-promotion goes against the grain, especially as a woman in leadership? Many women I work with as a leadership coach share this response. They worry about coming across as braggadocious and ego-testical (*Credit for this perfect word goes to my client, colleague and friend Sanja Jovanovic!). It's especially off-putting when they've seen others leverage "self-promotion" in a way that feels inauthentic.
You're right – the whole idea of "self-promotion" can feel uncomfortable, especially for women. We've all encountered those who talk a big game but fail to deliver, which makes the whole concept feel a bit inauthentic, and a big turn-off. It's understandable to want to avoid that trap, especially if you fear not making the impact you know you're capable of.
The "Why" for Mid-Career Female Leaders
However, here's the thing: whether you actively work on your personal brand or not, you have one. Others form perceptions about you based on your actions, communication, and overall presence. The question isn't "if" you have a brand, but whether you're steering it intentionally or letting it happen by chance.
Mid-career is a pivotal time when opportunities can hinge on your reputation and visibility. Unfortunately, doing great work alone is often not enough. If you don't strategically share your accomplishments and expertise in a way that feels authentic, someone less qualified (but perhaps more vocal) might step into opportunities that were destined for you. Building a strong personal brand is about ensuring the right people recognize your value, ensuring your impact potential isn't overlooked, and that your career trajectory matches your true potential.
The Power of Authenticity
The most compelling personal brands radiate authenticity. Being authentic doesn't just feel easier; it also helps you stand out. People crave genuine connections. So, how do you tap into your authentic leadership self? Here are some guiding questions from my Personal Branding workshop:
Values: What core values guide your actions and decision-making?
Passions: What topics ignite your energy and drive your sense of purpose?
Strengths: What are your unique talents, skills, and experiences that set you apart?
Your Brand in 3 Words
Let's cut to the chase and distil the essence of your leadership brand as it stands today. Don't overthink it! Think of these three words as a rough sketch of how you're currently perceived:
Are you "innovative and collaborative"?
Perhaps you're "results-driven and empathetic"?
What about "bold and people-centric"?
Don't worry about perfection. The goal is to jumpstart your thinking with some core descriptors. This exercise helps uncover where your brand might already be strong and where there's room to shape it further.
Authenticity is Sustainable
Building a personal brand takes work, but the payoff is immense. While image adjustments are sometimes necessary, your foundation must be authentic. Trying to be someone you're not is exhausting. More importantly, it robs the world of your unique leadership gift!
As a mid-level female leader, your visibility carries extra weight. Whether you recognise it or not, you become a role model for others in the organization. By choosing to step into your own authentic brand, you not only propel yourself forward but also give others permission to do the same. The right people will value your authenticity, leading to a more fulfilling leadership career built on a brand you're proud to own.
Consider a time your authentic actions led to a positive outcome in your leadership role. How can you replicate and amplify that success?
Reflect on this and share your thoughts below.
*The author would like to thank Sanja Jovanovic for coining the term 'ego-testical' used in this article.
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Master Certified Coach with the ICF who is dedicated to elevating female leaders to new heights. A woman who lives life boldly, loves adventure, and finds joy in the simple things. She's a surfer, gardener, hiker, partner, and proud mum of one teen and 3 chickens.
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